March 16, 2013

Oh my!

"Oh, my!" - that's all i have to say for whats to come. In the last few days things in the blogging world have being just a little weird. If you don't know the news or like me are getting to know this now, google has decides to take away google reader. I don't really know how all of this will work without GFC, it may not be a big deal but i know this has made a lot people upset because, like me, a lot of us actually like using google reader. I'm not so good in this whole thing in how to follow a blog so forgive me for not having many options, for now i know you can keep up with my posts through Bloglovin or you can check the rss options. So yeah, that's for now and i hope you have a nice weekend! 



  1. Cristi, as far as I understand GFC won't go away, only google reader.... this article by Nathan might be helpful in clearing this up:

    1. Oh, thank you! I kind of misunderstood the news a little. hehe The article really explained it well. Thanks again! x


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