September 9, 2012

Baking it's fun!

If you don’t like reading about food, then maybe this will be a little boring. So, last night I had a little bit of desire for something sweet so I made these red velvet cupcakes. They are not made from scratch, they are a mix with instructions and I just added the cream cheese frosting later. It was my first time trying out this method and it wasn’t bad. They taste really good and very easy to make. There were some leftovers, so today for breakfast I complemented a cupcake with strawberries. Yeah, I know it's not very healthy, but why not! It actually made my morning much better. I don’t know, I always get happy and excited every time I cook or bake something by myself and when it actually tastes good. Also, it makes me feel kind of proud of myself. Yay! And sorry for the bad quality of the photos, I was only taking them for enjoyment and wasn’t planning on posting them in here. But, oh well here there are!

Hope you have a sweet day! 
ha! sweet!


  1. Oh, thank you! :) Yes, I can! I was thinking of making another post with a more detailed procedure. I made these just for fun! I went to the nearest market, bought a red velvet cake mix and followed the instruction which were very simple.

  2. they look so yummy!

  3. They look so nice! I tried to make cupcakes years ago and the cake was so good, the cream on them wasn't, so it was kind of a failure for me to do cupcakes without...the cup! ahah
    I'm following you, your blog is so nice!
    from Italy

    1. Thank You! I'm glad you like them! Oh, for me the cream is so important that's why I always make it and not buy it already made. xx

  4. these look so good!

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my giveaway (click one page back) to win a MAC lipstick a 5 models own nail polishes!

  5. These look so scrumptious!!
    xo TJ

    1. haha, they really do? Thanks! :)

  6. haha, I do the same thing when I bake too many cupcakes... My meals all consist of one, just to get rid of them. Eek! these look delicious :)
    xo dana

    1. Thank You! And yes, at every meal everyone needs to eat a cupcake haha. They were too many! But this disappeared after three days. :)

  7. i LOVE reading about food and I love seeing food pics! The cakes look so yummy!!! x

    1. Thanks! Yes, I think pics of food and recipes are fun! And it seems like a lot of people like it too. :)


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