October 15, 2012

Brighter days

Is it me been whiny or moving really is a tedious task? Yes, I moved recently (this is my second week) to a new apartment. I'm not completly free to do what I want because it's part of my university campus residencies, but it's my own little space away from home. I've lived in the same room for the last two years, so this is the first time living in a different place and it feels so weird. Maybe when I give it a little love and set all my stuff in place it will feel much better. At least today's lovely weather is helping too. In the pictures I give you a sneak peek of what I've captured from last week. The rest is still a mess with boxes still unpacked. Yikes! Better work on that very soon. 

Have a nice week! 


  1. aww that rabbit's so cute!
    I am now following your blog :-)

    Francesca xo

    1. Awn, thank you! It's a very tiny rabbit (it looks bigger in the photo) my sister gave me and I always travel with it. :)

  2. Congrats on your move. I loved my uni room, not because it was gorgeous, far from, but because it was my own home, my own space. you just have to make the most of it :D


    1. Thank You!! :) Oh, yes I know what you mean it's not home but it's my own space. And about the "gorgeous" part - mine is in a very old building, so it's not very pretty haha.

  3. Stunning picture of the sky!
    (Absolutely loving your header image btw!)xx


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