March 3, 2013

Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?

The start of another month already?! I'm not sure, but 2013 is flying by to fast for me. Even the weather is changing to fast for my liking. I actually like the winter weather (just in case i live in a tropical weather) and i'm not looking forward to the heat of the summer. But i will try to look the bright side of things, like Spring is almost here and i love it! I love seeing flowers bloom, the smell and how it decorates the streets with different colors and the sight of it can bring a smile. Another favorite is the celebrations! A lot of birthdays this month including my sisters and mine and even my dogs. Wooray! Oh, and not to forget spring break - i really need it, like now! Really looking forward to a lot of exciting things and adventures to come but i'm sure i'm going to miss the winter.

Any exciting adventures for this month? 
Take care!

P.S. The photos are from my Instagram (@cristiland)...just in case. 
Book reading update (if you're interested): Just finished reading Perks of being a wallflower & the series of L.A. Candy. Yesterday i started Game of Thrones. Could do a book post very soon maybe at the end of the month. 


  1. The fragrance of spring must be similar to the fragrance of heaven ;)
    Lovely pics!

    1. oh, that's so nice! Really love that quote and if it's similar to the fragrance of heaven it must be the most amazing ever. & thank you! x

  2. Yes already March! And time flies my god, but I can't wait for the summer! X

    1. That's great! I will say I can't wait for the summer vacation, summer weather over here it's not so great.

      Thanks for the comment! x

  3. Loving these photos and the warm feel of them all! And loving that first photo of the collar! So lovely. Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at

  4. A-a-ah, can't wait to hear more about your spring break adventures!!!;-))))


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