August 23, 2012

Day Dreaming

Today I’m taking the day slowly and relaxing. There is a storm outside, so it won’t be a good idea to go out. I have light up my pumpkin candle, made some tea and now I’m in my bedroom with my computer. I’m kind of getting addicted to the Polyvore website, so that’s what I’m going to do today. If you don’t mind, I’m posting a few styles I’ve done in these few hours. I don’t even know where most of the pieces come from, but they look pretty awesome. I’m just day dreaming here thinking of a very sunny day and wearing one of these clothes.  

Oh, before I go. I would like to thank everyone who has left nice comments. I always get surprised when I see one because I don’t expect it, so it’s pretty awesome and very nice of you to take your time. And if you haven’t left a comment I still thank you for even coming in here and read my blog. :)

Well then, that’s pretty much for the day. 
I hope you are having a good weather over there!


  1. mmm a pumpkin candle- sounds like you're already for fall :) and i love that third look! that dress is so romantic. but i have to say, i love that yellow polka dot sweater too- it looks so cozy

    1. I love my pumpkin candles at any season of the year. Haha. Thank you! :)

  2. Love the second outfit! The jumper is so cute.

    Bethany Paige ( X

    1. Yes, I know!! I wish I had that jumper. Oh well...haha
      Thanks for your comment! :)


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