August 21, 2012

Can Christmas come sooner?

Yesterday I found a memory card from my old camera and found lots of great pictures. They were all from a few years ago when I was in high school. I never knew I was going to say “I miss high school.”, but I admit I really do miss does days. But it is fun to see those photos and remember lots of great memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. And after seeing these pictures from Christmas now I can’t wait for December to come! Ohh, I love Christmas. It’s just looks so happy with the lights on the houses, the food, the music and kids playing with their toys on Christmas morning (and my cute dogs with their red bows!). Yes, I think I’m dreaming too much in the middle of August. 

Now I have to go back to reality and finish my homework.
I hope you have a nice day! 
Are you excited too for Christmas or am I the only one?  
: ) 


  1. ahh for me it's definitely too hot to think about christmas. but winter/xmas time is one of my favorite of the year:)
    lots of love xx

    1. Ah yes, the weather in here is still hot too. I just get too excited when I think about Christmas! Haha :)

  2. I was just thinking about Christmas too! haha

    xo Jennifer

    1. Well that’s nice! Now I know I’m not the only one. Haha. :)


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