August 8, 2012

Looking at life through the lens & learning from it

Blogging looks like a fun hobby, but it’s something that I’m still learning. So sorry if I'm boring you. I will try to post at least once a week.

So, I have mentioned that I’m a photography enthusiast and I really am. I look at everything around me as if I’m taking a picture, “Oh! That would make a beautiful photograph.”, “The lighting in here is amazing.” Yes, I say things like that out loud. Well I hope I don’t disappoint you by saying I’m not a professional and I don’t think I will ever work in the future as a photographer, but is a hobby I truly love. Currently I’m using a Fujifilm digital camera. Yes, I know it’s not the best but it takes nice pictures. I’m saving up for a DSLR camera and hopefully I can buy it for Christmas. And very soon, in a few months, I will start taking photography classes (YAY!).

In this post: These photos were taken on Thursday (sorry for the poor quality), just hanging out around the city in the afternoon with my mom and sister.  It was a very sunny day, as you can see, and amazing weather to go outside. I’m not posting a photo of myself because I was a mess. We walked a lot under the sun and it was like 90 degrees (F), so you can imagine how my hair and skin looked…not very nice or pretty. Ugh! But it was a good day after all. Oh and I found a new coffee shop! And it’s a little bit cheaper than Starbucks. Ohhh yeah! I think I found a new place to hang out and have some coffee. : )

Coffee shop I found. Doesn't it look nice? 
I will be posting about photography in this blog, but not regularly. If you want to check more of my photos you can check my Photoblog in there I post photos everyday. Your comments are welcome, so you can leave them if you want. I'm still learning so it's nice to know different opinions besides my mom's. So, you can check that out and until my next post! Thank you for reading!

Have a nice day & remember to always smile! ♥


  1. You have taken some great photos and the views are gorgeous :)

    Tanesha x


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