October 13, 2012

Though I'm far away I know I'll stay, I know I'll stay Right there with you...

Ta-da! I'm here doing a little update because it's been a while. Now I'm really, really missing summer time. No, not the heat. I miss my vacations and the free time I had to do some posts in here. I really want this blog to grow but it's kind of difficult at the moment. Plus, I'm kind of sick. ugh! So, sorry for my laziness and boring post. Hopefully I will be coming soon for a more fun and better structured post. Hope you all doing fine. 

Lots of love,

P.S. Has anyone ever tasted this 'bon-bons' candy? Omg! I'm kind of addicted to them. So good! (or maybe I'm too sick? haha) 


  1. Your blog is so cute!! I've followed you. I agree about missing summer, in England, we don't really get the nice weather but it's a shock to go back to having so little time!! x

    1. Awn, Thank you! That's very nice of you. Oh, at least is good to know that winter break is coming soon. xx


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