September 22, 2013

Inspiration for Fall

style one: x | x | x | x   style two: x | x | x | x | x   style three: x | x | x

Fall clothing is definitely my favorite kind of clothing. I just love wearing cozy sweaters, leggings, having an excuse to wear lots of black and burgundy and of course layering. So today on the first day of fall i was browsing the internet, looking for some inspiration and making a dream list (let's face it, a lot of this pieces are way out of my budget. But hey, a girl can dream!) Then I put the pieces all together & ta-da! I know there's lots of white and black. I just love the combination of both and how simple and elegant they can make any outfit look. But I will try some prints for sure even if it's not my "fort".  


1 comment:

  1. i adore style one and the faux fur vest from style two!


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