February 23, 2014

Baking Red Velvet Cupcakes In My Room

Waking up early can have it's benefits and I like it even though is pretty difficult to leave the bed on a cold morning. But I've done so much - I studied for my exams for this week, finished (finally!) reading The Hobbit (and I loved it! It's now one of my favorites!), started reading Divergent by Veronica Roth (since the movie is coming out soon and I know my friend is going to make me watch it), made some arrangements in my room, for been in a hurry dropped one of my beloved Starbucks mugs to the floor (and you can see the results above), tried a Clinique nail polish (and I'm kind of impressed....) and now I'm here writing this...ta-da! Uff! I could say it was a pretty nice Sunday. Now I'm off to relax. Oh, and I'm burning a new candle which it's awesome and it really does smells as if I'm baking red velvet cupcakes in my room! I need to stop buying candles.

Hope you had a nice weekend!
& have a nice week! (don't let Monday ruin your week!)

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