August 20, 2012

"Come with me,' Mom says. To the library. Books and summertime go together."

Sorry I didn’t post anything during the weekend. I have been very busy visiting old friends, catching up with friends and family before classes start and other boring uni stuff. This would be a very simple post, just my favorite photos that I took through the summer. Hope you enjoy!

Nature; one of my favorite subjects to photograph ☼ Fortune cookies ☼ Lovely moments with my family, like having some pizza for lunch ☼ Three layer coconut cake  ☼ Lagoon near my house ☼ Just another rainy day in the summer (stuck in the car without an umbrella) ☼ Bowling ☼ and of course, we had to go to the beach at least once.  

Hope you had a fun weekend!

 P.S. I saw this quote and loved it! Maybe I could do a post of the books I read in the summer...


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